
A robust feedback and effects suite featuring a feedback system with a Gel-like texture. The feedback system will run infinitely without any media input. Media input will have the gel texture applied to it. There is a variety of ways to blend media input with the scene including 3 different audio reactive options.

Feature List:

  • Media Input:

    • Full reveal, Audio Presence Sync, Audio Level/Volume Sync, Beat Detection Reveal

    • Tile Media on Beat Detected

    • Only reveal the edges of the media in the feedback system - creates a ghostly effect

    • Difference Blend the media color with the feedback system.

  • Feedback System Controls:

    • Zoom

    • Twist

    • Swirl, audio-reactive swirl

    • Increase / Decrease flow speed, audio-reactive flow

  • Color:

    • Built- in Palette Modifier

  • Distortion

    • Fisheye

    • Inverse Fisheye

  • Mirroring

    • Average blend of Left and Right vertical mirroring.

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