Owsley Puddle 2024

Owsley Puddle 2024


Owsley Puddle 2024 is a re-mastered, robust VFX suite for Synesthesia.live it feature a variety of outright psychedelic effects to take your visual performances to the next level! This is the first scene in the Hoffman Series

Key Features:

  • Fully audio-reactive control options

  • Explosive feedback system to melt your art on beat.

  • Easily varied and controlled complex feedback patterns

  • Optional Metallic Shading

  • Optional Toon Shading

  • Extraordinarily vibrant re-coloring options

  • Texture disruptor

  • Color generator

  • Audio-reactive mirroring and flipping.

  • Glitch Effects

  • Unique pixelation system

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Vial Spiller 2024



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Pixelated Dreams
